Wayang spellhunter and magical lineage traits
Wayang spellhunter and magical lineage traits

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I know both Bards and Clerics are top tier support casters, but likely the real answer is a Bard/Cleric multiclass, but I want to try playing with new content and am curious how people weigh Bard cantrips versus AC, or if its worth dipping into an Archetype to get better armor progression as a double fullcaster.Īnonymous 08/18/22(Thu)19:03:44 No. On the other hand, Bard doesn't fix my AC issues but gives me access to those sweet sweet Bard focus cantrips while remaining a pure Charisma caster so my spellcasting doesn't suffer too much.

Wayang spellhunter and magical lineage traits full#

Since I'm already taking a penalty to my spell DCs, I might as well dump Wisdom, max Charisma, and go full support by spamming buffs and heals. Warpriest lets me pick up medium armor to soothe AC issues and slightly better Fortitude progression. I'm currently fixated on an Infinite Eye Human Psychic to serve as a massive Aid-slut, but I'm unsure what to pair it with. >At any given level, one feat is at half level, as though you archetype'd into the class. >Taking a -1 penalty to most rolls and DCs (attack, spell, saving throws, skills, AC) >Only getting both class stat boosts if they don't overlap

Wayang spellhunter and magical lineage traits free#

Sketching out a character for a game where you have the choice of Free Archetype and a modified Dual Class. There are few cases wherein this would be worthwhile over amped Telekinetic Projectile or amped Imaginary Weapon.Īnonymous 08/18/22(Thu)18:16:19 No. That should let you have amped Imaginary Weapon at 6th.Īmped Produce Flame does not come with ability modifier to damage. You can take amped Telekinetic Projectile at 2nd level and then retrain it for 6th level. It is spectacular how the nikaramsa wound up becoming an emotionally insecure healbot. I am piecing together a high-level encounter, and the nikaramsa just so happens to be the perfect Heal spam support unit. As long as their little pet believes in them, the nikaramsa can be strong and big. One of the most amazing things about the nikaramsa is that they are encouraged to keep a Tiny creature in a familiar satchel on their person, for emotional support.

wayang spellhunter and magical lineage traits

If all creatures in the nikaramsa's vicinity successfully disbelieve this illusion, the nikaramsa becomes Medium and enfeebled 2 for as long as everyone sees their true form. If the creature succeeds, the reach of nikaramsa's attacks against that foe decrease to 5 feet (10 feet for their tongue). A creature interacting with the nikaramsa can attempt a DC 36 Will save to see the nikaramsa as they truly are. >Towering Stance (divine, illusion) A nikaramsa is in fact a Medium creature, but appears as a Large creature due to the force of their personality. like, through the power of plot and all that, but i'm really not sure beyond that oracle ended up convincing me to not leave, used the last of my arcane pool to dimension door hop us around to kill the harpies, get our stuff back, and jump away in what was one of the most glaring examples of a GM handout.Īnd now we're another day behind schedule, the entire fortress of a couple hundred giants of various flavors and a couple tribes of ogres know we're definitely there and are on high alert, and I'm genuinely not sure why my character is still there after consistently following the plans of someone else and finally literally dying for his effort. very close to my character just saying fuck everything and going home because he's been on death's door (and gone through now) more times in the last 5-6 months of adventuring than he had in the previous 28 years of his life and now everything he had to show for it was gone and the party *still* wanted to press on like nothing happened despite the magus and the skill monkey having 11 levels worth of gear gone. woke the skill monkey up, carried me off, and Raised me. luckily our oracle had Status on us, so him and the samurai were able to retrieve us after an hour skip. the harpies stripped us of our gear and left us for dead. So how's everyone else's campaigns going?Īnonymous 08/18/22(Thu)03:02:24 No. literally the only hope now is the cavalry (which is about an hour and some change away from the fortress and even farther away from our bodies) to get to use before the harpies decide to finish the other guy off/steal our bodies/loot us and fly away to alert the fortress of our location. out of character i knew it was a bad idea.

wayang spellhunter and magical lineage traits

Really shouldn't have let him convince me. >now i'm dead and he's stabilized like 2 negative hp away from death because we both failed enough will saves to get killed by singing harpies

wayang spellhunter and magical lineage traits

>out of character he convinces the party, in character we also think its a good idea >one of the other players gets the idea to have him and me scout ahead with invisibility to get an idea on what's going on before we go in hard >scouting a fortress with an entire army of giants and ogres pretty deep into the campaign >every single time our party splits bad things happen up to and including NPC deaths and almost dying ourselves

Wayang spellhunter and magical lineage traits