Lut definition
Lut definition

lut definition

  • Urinary incontinence: involuntary loss of urine.
  • Non-specific bladder-filling sensation: abnormal bladder-filling sensation that might feel like bloating or cause nausea, vomiting or feeling faint.

    Absent bladder-filling sensation: the absence of the feeling of a full bladder or need to pass urine.Reduced bladder-filling sensation: the feeling of having a full bladder occurs more slowly or is weaker than normal.Urgency: the sudden need to pass urine, which is hard to put off.Increased bladder-filling sensation: the feeling of having a full bladder occurs more quickly or is stronger than normal.Polyuria: passing larger volumes of urine than normal.Nocturia (increased night-time frequency).Increased frequency: needing to urinate more often than normal.Patients with severe disease may need angiography and, in some instances, arterial bypass surgery or stenting.LUTS are grouped into two categories: storage symptoms and voiding symptoms 1. Patients with mild or moderately abnormal ABIs are usually treated with antiplatelet medications, an exercise regimen, and cholesterol-lowering drugs or diet. A drop in the ABI after exercise also strongly suggests peripheral arterial disease. Moderate peripheral arterial disease is suggested by an ABI of 0.8. Severe obstruction is also indicated by an ABI of less than 0.5. An ABI above 0.9 is normal, except when it exceeds 1.3 (an indicator of severe peripheral arterial obstruction). The blood pressure in each leg is divided by the blood pressure in the higher pressure of the two arms to obtain an ABI for each lower extremity. The pressure that should be recorded is the pressure found during the first return of a pulse to the cuffed limb. The measurement is repeated in each leg, with measurement of blood pressures at both the posterior tibial and dorsalis pedis arteries. The most accurate test results are obtained by measuring the blood pressure in both arms using a blood pressure cuff and Doppler ultrasound and recording the higher of these two pressures. The index is obtained by measuring the systolic blood pressure in the upper and lower extremities after the patient has been lying on his or her back for about 5 min and then repeating the measurements after the patient walks for 5 min.

    lut definition

    It is used to gauge the severity of peripheral vascular disease.


    See Ankle-brachial index, Atherogenic index, Barthel index, Bessman index, Biotechnology index, Bispectral index, Body mass index, Cardiac index, Case-mix index, Cephalic index, Clamp-derived insulin-sensitivity index, DNA index, Duke Activity Status index, England index, Family suffering index, Foam stability index, Free thyroxine index, Framingham Physical Activity index, Geographic practice cost index, Glycemic index, Greenhouse index, Heat index, Hemacytology index, Hemogram index, Hepatic iron index, HERP index, Hollingshead index, Icterus index, IgG index, IgM index, International sensitivity index, Insulin sensitivity index, Krimsky index, Labeling index, Lesquesne index, Life Events index, Locomotion index, Maturation index, Medicare Economic index, Mentzler index, Merck index, Misery index, Mitotic activity index, Mother index, National Death index, Nuclear contour index, Obstructive apnea-hypopnea index, Organism-specific antibody index, Pearl index, Phagocytic index, Pollution Standards index, Poverty index, Prognostic nutritional index, Proliferation index, Singh index, Psoriasis Area and Severity index, Quetelet index, Rate-adjusted mortality index, Shine & Lal index, Side Effects & Symptoms Distress index, Sleep Impairment index, Splenic index, Standard deviation index, Stress index, Therapeutic index, Thymidine labeling index, Transitional-dyspnea index, Uncitedness index, UV index.Ī measure of the adequacy of blood flow to the arteries of the legs. A formula expressing the relationship of one value, property, form, or ratio to another.

    Lut definition